Friday, April 29, 2011

Aku, Kau dan Dia *cinta itu bukan satu mainan*

~on  JIWANG mood~

Aku adalah aku dan kau adalah kau. Aku dan kau adalah dua insan yang berbeza. Namun perbezaaan itu yang melengkapkan antara kau dan aku. Aku sedia menerima kau seadanya sekiranya kau melakukan perkara yang sama kepadaku. Aku tidak mengharapkan kesempurnaan cukuplah kesederhaan. Kekayaan belum pasti membawa  kebahagiaan kepadaku dan ketampanan kau belum tentu dapat membuka buka pintu hatiku. Kesediaan kau menerima aku seadanya adalah salah satu punca kepada terbukanya pintu hatiku kepada kau. Kesudian kau menerima setiap ahli keluargaku membuka minda dan jiwaku akan kejujuran kau kepada aku. Apabila kejujuran hati kau terserlah kau dan aku pasti dapat menjadi satu. Bersatu dalam keimanan dan kekuatan kerohanian. Menjalankan kewajipan sebagai umatNya dan mengerjakan kehendakNya. Begitulah cinta yang ku cari daripada kau. Cinta yang bukan berasaskan keduniaan semata-mata tetapi semuanya berlandaskan ajaranNya.

Karya Penulisan Agung

Aku merenung ke atas langit, dan pada ketika itu hujan turun dengan lebatnya. Terdapat pancaran kilat berserta dentuman guruh pada masa itu. Kemudian aku melihat sekawan burung kecil berwarna hitam berterbangan mencari tempat untuk berteduh. Indah sungguh suasana pada masa itu. Udara yang nyaman dan sejuk ketika itu sungguh menenangkan hatiku. Kemudian aku melihat ke dalam diri aku. Aku dapat merasakan kedamaian yang pastinya tidak akan dapat diperolehi semudah itu. 

Aku melihat burung kecil yang berterbangan lalu aku dapat melihat diriku dalamnya. Aku umpama burung kecil yang hilang arah untuk seketika. Aku umpama burung kecil yang mencari tempat berlindung di kala hujan yang lebat. Hakikanya, begitulah aku, aku masih mencari-cari diriku yang sebenarnya. Walaupun sudah terbentuknya keperibadian dalam diriku tetapi aku masih meragui akan kebolehan diriku.

Siapa bilang kehidupan ini tidak sukar. Bagiku, kehidupan aku amat rumit jalannya. Namun aku percaya satu hal sahaja, di mana aku percaya ada orang yang lebih teruk keadaannya dari aku. Aku masih ada tempat untuk bergantung. Aku mempunyai keluarga yang amat menyayangiku. Aku ada sahabat yang sentiasa menghiburkan hatiku. Setiap hari keperluanku dicukupi. Aku amat bertuah jika dibandingkan dengan mereka yang tiada apa dan sesiapapun. Satu hal lagi aku percaya Tuhan sudah pun membuat perancangan yang terbaik untukku. Segala kesusahan yang ku hadapi adalah untuk menguatkanku dan setiap kesedihan yang aku alami adalah untuk mendewasakanku.

Hanya satu ku pinta agar aku sentiasa diajar untuk berterima kasih di atas kehidupan yang telah diberikan kepadaku. Agar aku memahami maksudNya dalam segala sesuatu yang berlaku ke atasku. Semoga cinta kasinhNya sentiasa beserta denganku. Amen

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

This world can never be Perfect because Perfection lies beyond

Almighty God
Give me strong Heart
Strengthen me because
i am so fragile
My Heart so hurt
it is bleeding inside
Why i still crying??
Why my tear keep dropping??
Even though i had made my decision
to not allow myself
to get into him
God i need you now and forever
Whatever happen God
May i always be with You
and always believe in You


Hari Raya Paska baru saja berakhir. Namun baru ketika ini aku menyedari erti Hari Raya Paska yang sebenarnya. Sepanjang kehidupan ini, aku tidak pernah cuba untuk mengerti secara mendalam akan maknanya Hari Raya Paska. Namun dengan hanya satu bacaan dari ALKITAB, petikan dari LUKAS: 24 AYAT 30 yang berbunyi begini, Dia makan bersama-sama mereka. Kemudian Dia mengambil roti, mengucapkan syukur kepada Allah, lalu membahagi roti, dan memberikannya kepada mereka.

Aku amat tersentuh dengan perkataan syukur dalam ayat tersebut. Bila aku mengimbau kembali masa silam, aku sedar bahawa aku terlalu banyak melakukan dosa dan mengingkari kehendakNYa. Namun, aku amat bertuah kerana dapat bangun dari mimpi yang ngeri dan cuba untuk menjadi umat pilihNya. Aku diberi peluang untuk membaiki kehidupanku kepada yang lebih baik. Sesungguhnya,  aku amat bersyukur di atas hadiratNya. 
I Trust & Love U

Sungguhnpun aku banyak melakukan dosa Dia tidak pernah meninggalkan aku. Dia sentiasa bersama denganku di waktu aku memerlukanNya. Sungguh tidak layak rasanya aku berada di hadapanNya. Namun Dia masih inginkan diriku.  Dia sungguh baik. Penuh dengan cinta kasih. Apa yang pastinya, begitu besar cinta kasihnya pada aku. Indah sungguh cinta kasihNya bagi diriku. Oleh kerana itu, aku  berani mengatakan bahawa aku umpama bangkit selepas daripada kematian.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I AM full Of ANGER

My friends stop do all the s**t and talk about the s**t thing.
I am so feed up!!! 
please stop cheat and lie to me including others people.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Me's WRITING-mad

 There are many reasons for good or bad thing happen to me. All are GOD will. Then, tonight I really don’t know what actually happen to me, precisely to my heart bit. My heart bit so fast and it is an extraordinary fast. I’m getting nervous. Suddenly, I thinking my future or even flash back my sweetness and badness memory. 

Who know what will happen in future. If I know the future, then it is not so called as a future. Many questions (especially *5Wife 1Husband QUESTION) keep repeating play in my head. It is like I keep repeating my favorite song in the Winamp player. ^_^v
my song play list
If I flash back to the old days, my life is really imperfect. Who I am now is the action of my past. I had gone through so many obstacles and circumstances on my previous days. Everything happen in my life really shows the color of my life. Every Up and Down of my life made me strong and be more grateful with the beautiful of the world that have been created by God. 

Yes, I am not daring to say that my life is perfect at the present even presently. Nothing is considered as perfect especially in term of life. Perfection is like 100% score, but the reality is we only can get 99.9%. Am I right? Do correct me if I say nonsense thing. This entire thing was cause of my madness with writing. Hayakss!!

Last question from me, are you dare to say that your life is perfect??
By the way, it is no harm to stand with your point of view, because there is no right or wrong to your answer.
Just keep all the answer within you.

Note: look at this remark *, this show about what, who, where, when, why & how question.

I would never say Good Bye….. bcoz we will meet again  at my next post..c yaa!!  

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

"S0 cL0sed t0 ME"

When I cry over anything

I cry over anything
because I am very sentimental,
because my friend’s pain becomes my pain,
because my heart breaks into tears
even when I don’t want to cry
because it needs to.

I want to be strong, but I am weak.
I want to keep my pain to myself, but I can’t.
I’m really just a little girl playing at being a woman.

When I cry I asked myself: Why?
I don’t know
Is it over something, perhaps?
Could it be for joy?
Or because of my friend’s problems?
Is it because my parents
don’t understand me?

Why, Lord?

I really don’t know.
But just the same I cry.
Because my whole being wants to.
So I let my tears flow down my cheeks and I feel better.

Is it then that I think of you,
of the times you shed tears
when you walked the earth.

A good cry
get rids of that lump in my throat
whenever I dislike something,
or when my boy friend doesn’t show
enough interest in me.

I cry over anything.

Lord, give me your strength
And your patience.

Make me grow up
so that I may rise above
my touchiness.

stay happy put a smile in ur face..don't worry everything gonna be fine =) 

I cry over and over, but then i found this books, 36 Prayers for Young Ladies by Hector C. Munoz, OP and i realized that it is nothing to cry on.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Disco Light via Power Point

Guess what??

I just discovered that we can make Disco Light via Power Point. 
hahaa..sound funny yet that is really true.
At a first time  it sound very weird to me. I hardly believe things that my cuziee told me.  But when i am the one go through the process of doing this Disco Light,from that moment i suddenly realize it is really true we can make Disco Light on our own.
Thank you so much to my lovely cousin Glynn Dexter Andreas for teach me on doing powerful, beautiful and unique Disco Light. All credit goes to u =) 
Thus, i am so glad if i can share my experience on doing Disco Light with u guys. There are some step to follow on.

Open up ur Microsoft Power Point. Then change basic layout to blank layout. 


Step 2
Change ur format background. U can fill the background with any color u like but the best combination  per slide are yellow, red and green.



Step 3
Next click on animation button then click on cut (transition this slide). After that change automatically after : 00.00 and make sure u not choose on mouse click (both on advance slide).

look at animation button

Step 4
Then go to the slide show button then click on the set up slide show. On the set up slide show button click the Loop continuously until 'ESC'. Last but not least, click ok button.

set up slide show

Loop continuously until 'ESC'

Step 5
Lastly, press  F5. booomm!!! Ur cool Disco Light will show up. 
finish just click F5 u will see the result ^_^

Amazing right?? 
It is an easy step.

Benefit u most:- where
U can save money from buy Disco Light at market.
This Disco Light very cheap.

my Advice;
to get fantastic lighting effect from  Disco Light just make sure u combine 3 to 4 lappy. The result surely awesome!! 


so S.I.C.K with love song


Love song make me very sick

Guys, this is true. Suddenly i feel very sick when i heard any love song. It is like got "butterflies in  my stomach" . if can  i want to vomit all of it..uweekkk!!
Honestly, I have no any reason for all of this happen to me. Maybe time and environment around me change me a lots. 

Most of the love song praise their partner and made a promises that something not being fulfill by any lover Couple.  It is like "What are words if u really don't mean them".

Guys,  do u all realized that most of people very easy to say they love someone, but in the others direction they cannot be truly honest and faithful with their partner. Most of them still seek for another person. So called """Scandal"This is very hurt for those who is deeply in love with their partner. 
It is unfair right??? 

This is obviously not me. so Sorry if this statement may harm those who felt wrong with my words. I don't mean to critic others people. This is just from point of my view. I know my journey still long way to go, and i also don't know what will happen to me in future.

Who know??
Maybe one days, i can hear this sort @ (love song) of song again.